
Designed and shaped to keep the back of your neck warm, the sleeves can be turned up for better hygiene, big front pockets. This coat has been developed in co-operation with an industrial laundry. Feminine cut.

You can choose the material from a variety of knits: for example recycled, organic or specifically developed for operating theatres and clean rooms. Our knits are breathable, flexible and comfortable on the skin.  The qualities in our fabrics are in-built, which makes it possible to avoid potentially harmful, chemical after-treatments.

Puro’s materials and garments have been designed for work wear and industrial washing. The fabrics have good colour fastness, they keep their shape, last for a long time and therefore are also cost-efficient. Puro’s clothes dry quickly, and fibres can be washed also in lower temperatures, which makes caring for the garmets easier and environmental-friendly. Our fabrics and clothes are manufactured within EU.

product number: N2-410C

trousers: Saari

Tuuli-jacket is available on order, so if interested, please get in touch info(at)purodesign.fi